Types of Rates in Our Payment Gateway

Our payment gateway offers three main types of rates:

  1. One-Time Payments
  2. Fixed Subscriptions
  3. Variable Subscriptions

1. One-Time Payments

One-time payments are transactions that are made only once and are not associated with any recurring subscription.

2. Fixed Subscriptions

Fixed subscriptions have a recurring amount that is charged periodically without changes over time. These are ideal for services or products with constant prices.

3. Variable Subscriptions

Variable subscriptions allow billing based on the reported consumption during each billing period. There are two types of variable subscriptions:

a. "Last Charge"

In this type of subscription, if no consumption is reported at the end of the billing period, the same consumption from the previous period is used. This ensures that there is always a charge, even if consumption is not actively reported.


  • Period 1: 50 units of consumption are reported.
  • Period 2: No consumption is reported; the 50 units from the previous period are used.
  • Period 3: 30 units of consumption are reported.
  • Period 4: No consumption is reported; the 30 units from the previous period are used.

b. "No Charge"

In this type of subscription, if no consumption is reported during the billing period, no charge is made. This is useful for services where billing should only occur when there is active consumption.


  • Period 1: 50 units of consumption are reported.
  • Period 2: No consumption is reported; no charge is made.
  • Period 3: 30 units of consumption are reported.
  • Period 4: No consumption is reported; no charge is made.

Reporting Consumption

Consumption calls are only applicable for variable subscriptions. These calls allow the reporting of consumption for the respective billing period to ensure accurate billing based on usage.