Error cases

Uelz offers various error cases stemming from external events like failed payments or network disruptions. To effectively address these situations, you can use any of the techniques outlined in the table below. Regardless of your chosen approach, we recommend following our suggested responses tailored for each type of error.

GE-001Payment status. Can be successful, failed, or pendingTry again later
AE-001Missing api keyMissing api key
AE-002Invalid api keyVerify that the api key in the uelz-api-key matches the one displayed in step 4
AE-003Domain api key mismatchVerify that the api key in the uelz-api-key matches the one displayed in step 4 and that the domain set in step 1 is correct
ORG-001Organization not foundVerify that the api key in the uelz-api-key matches the one displayed in step 4
ORG-002Error loading organizationTry again later
CUS-002Error loading customerTry again later
CUS-003Customer not foundTry again later
CUS-006Error updating customerTry again later
CHK-002ID verification errorCheck the buttons on your page, ensure that the attributes are correct
CHK-004Plan not foundVerify that the data-service-id is correct
CHK-006Error loading payment methodsTry again later
CHK-007Error completing dataTry again later
CHK-010Error creating subscription in payment gatewayTry again later
CHK-014Error creating payment intent in payment gatewayTry again later
CHK-015Error loading payment dataTry again later
CHK-017Error creating customer in payment gatewayTry again later
PE-001Error loading planTry again later
PE-004Service or plan not activeCheck that the service or plan is active in the Uelz platform
PE-005Data mismatchThe data-service-id is an exclusive attribute of plans created from Uelz. If it's a dynamic plan, ensure it has the rest of the properties but not the data-service-id
OTFE-001Loading errorTry again later
OTFE-002Data not foundEnsure that all attributes: data-service-name, data-plan-name, data-plan-description, data-plan-amount, and data-plan-currency, are correctly filled out
OTFE-003Invalid currencyEnsure that the currency is EUR
OTFE-004Duplicate planThe plan name already exists within Uelz, but some other properties do not match. Modify the properties to match those of the existing plan or change the plan name to create a new plan
SER-002Service not activeCheck in the Uelz app that the service exists and is active
SER-005Service not foundTry again later
WID-001Configuration loading errorEnsure that the api key in the uelz-api-key matches the one displayed in step 4
WID-002Version change errorTry again later